My survey got blocked – what now?

Why is my survey blocked?

Respondents can flag a survey when they notice that something’s wrong with it. If a survey gets flagged 2 times or more, it gets blocked automatically. 

My survey got blocked – what now?

If your survey's been flagged and blocked, don’t fret. Here's why it might've happened and what you can do about it:

  1. Accessibility: Your survey could be inaccessible to respondents. Check your survey software’s privacy settings to make sure respondents are allowed to access it. Also, double-check that your survey link is correct and working.
  2. Credit link placement: Make sure your unique credit link shows up on the last page of your survey, AFTER respondents have submitted their answers.
  3. Invalid Code: Verify that you've got the right code displayed and that the credit link figures as a clickable hyperlink in your survey. You can double check your credit link in the setting ssection of your survey on your dashboard. 

If your survey' has been flagged, you can expect an email from us explaining why. Once you've fixed the issue, those flags will be cleared, and your survey will be good to go once again.

What if something else is wrong?

If there’s another issue with your survey and you’re not sure how to fix it, reach out to us via the message beacon. We'll happily help you to get your survey back on track!

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