Can I get a refund if I am not happy with my results?

First things first: SurveySwap works, and we’ve got thousands of happy swappers to prove it! However, if you’ve bought respondents but aren’t happy with the results, here’s what you can do:

  1. Check your target audience. 

Some audiences are more difficult to reach than others – perhaps yours falls under this scope. Did you check whether your audience is feasible for you to gather on SurveySwap? Keep the following in mind:

  • Number of selection criteria – The fewer the better! More than two could drastically slow down your response rate. 
  • Region – Our users are generally from the Netherlands, Germany, UK and US. If you’re looking for audiences from another country, we are probably not the right match for you at the moment. We are working hard on expanding, though! 
  • Target audience – Most of our users are students and young professionals between the ages of 18 and 28. If you are looking for older age groups or highly-specialized occupations, you might be better helped on another platform. 

Here’s an example: 

Scenario 1: A survey exploring the typical weekend activities of students – TOP! 

Scenario 2: A survey investigating the preferred retirement age among German retirees – FLOP 🙁

Is your survey headed for a flop? Here’s what you can do:

Edit your criteria to reach a more feasible audience. Is that not possible? Then please reach out to us so we can find a solution together. 

  1. Check your Survey Setup 

  • Credit link placement 

Incorrect placement of your unique credit code could be the reason you’re not getting responses. Did you check whether your code is displayed in the right place? When setting up your survey, you would’ve been asked to place the credit code on the confirmation/”thank you” page that is displayed at the end of your survey. If the code is shown BEFORE respondents are asked to save their answers, they can easily leave the page without submitting their response, resulting in data loss. You will need to edit your survey’s settings to only display the credit code AFTER respondents submit their answers.

  • Title and Description 

People might skip your survey if they are not interested in your topic. Make sure your survey title and description are both eye-catching and appealing, so that other SurveySwappers feel inclined to answer it. Keep it short and sweet, and be sure to let prospective respondents know why their participation is important.

  • Other settings 

Have you checked that your survey is actually online, or that you’ve selected the correct criteria? Is your survey accessible to respondents, or is your survey’s operating system gatekeeping and preventing access? Check these settings to make sure that nothing is keeping respondents from answering your survey.

Have you checked and fixed all of the above, and you’re still not satisfied with your results? Please reach out to us via the chat beacon so that we can fix it together. In the very unlikely event that we cannot solve the issue, you’ll get a refund – no questions asked! 

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